The EFQM Excellence Model for Health Care Organisations 2010
36,30 €
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Revised to align with EFQM 2010. A self assessment workbook that uses the structure of the EFQM Excellence Model to help health care organisations in both public and private sectors initiate and implement organisational improvement. The book helps organisations identify areas that need improvement, helping the organisation make assessment more reliable and increasing the commitment of those participating in the project. Since evaluation is based on peoples? opinions, all interpretations of what needs to be developed are correct. The research methodology is primarily to clarify what people are already committed to. It is assumed that people in an organisation know the right answers if they are asked the right questions. Related books: e-book: 9789522282279, printed: 9789522282231, Johdatko terveydenhuolto-organisaatiota laadukkaasti - 2010: 978-952-228-215-6, e-book: 978-952-228-219-4, Terveydenhuolto-organisaation johtaminen pähkinässä: e-book: 978-952-228-079-4
- Tuotekoodi
- 9789522282231
- Paino (kg)
- 0.202
- Pakkauskoko
- 1 kpl
- Valmistusmaa
- Suomi
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