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To stay competitive, companies need to constantly improve their products and services. How do companies do it in today's rapidly changing world? Open Source Tools for Change Agents helps your organisation work smarter, empower people to make better decisions and evolve your service and product innovation capabilities. Real-case examples from companies like Wärtsilä, Telia, Osuuspankki and many more give you concrete ideas for how to use the LSC methodology to transform your organisational culture, enhance teamwork practices and innovate new products and services in record time. The book also includes a new and improved version of the Lean Servicer Creation Handbook, with all the tools you need to you need to implement the methodology in your organisation. Activate your change agents with LSC! Lean Service Creation is an open source product and service development methodology created at Futurice and based on experiences from a couple of thousand completed development projects

Toiminen, Open Source Tools for Change Agents

33,90 €



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