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Say goodbye to creator's blocks, procrastination, frustration, and anxiety... Start dreaming! Imagine a life where your creativity flows freely and naturally. One joyful project after another comes to fruition, and you feel accomplished and nourished by your life! The Four Phases of Creativity shows you what steps to take and when - to make THE dream come true. Join Mira in the happy doodle insights shared throughout the book and let her introduce you to the moon phases and seasons as your guides. Learn how simple it is to incorporate cyclical living in your own life. In this book you also find loving solutions for getting over some of the bumps you may encounter in each phase of the creative process. To fully embrace the journey, use the journaling prompts offered for each of the four phases and learn how to stay connected with your heart, and your dream. You can return to this book whenever you feel stuck with your creativity or are starting a new project. Let it inspire your creativity to flow freely and naturally! "Mira's simplicity and innocence is truly captivating. It's an easy-to-read and captivating guide to aligning with Nature's rhythms and cycles to tune into our creative process!" - Nina Khoo, Highly Sensitive Coach "This is one of the most beautiful books I have ever read! It made me feel very relaxed and feel that the process of connecting to our creativity is really simple if we let it be. It's so beautifully done and illustrated. I absolutely love it." - Lisbeth Savard, Women's Circle Facilitator, Women's Wisdom Moon circles "Mira's inspiring journey makes the practice of cyclical living easy to understand on a heart level. It makes listening to our inner wisdom doable, as it should be. Recommended for any girl or woman who wants to connect with her own creative flow." - Hilda Lorena Tunon, Integrative Health Coach "This made me feel excited to tackle my creative projects using nature as a guide. The illustrations infuse the main messages with joy, making this such a fun book to reference whenever feeling unsure about the creative process." - Jessica Tudos, Author of Kika the Upside-Down Girl

Puohiniemi, The Four Phases of Creativity

23,00 €



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