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    1. Manninen, Financial management of the company with change drivers

    Manninen, Financial management of the company with change drivers

    24,90 €



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    Why do too many companies never achieve their objectives? Why do so many companies make losses every year? Why is it that the capacity of companies is not really being used to its full potential? Why are companies' resources and investments not really being used to their full potential? Why do company staff not really know how their efforts affect the company's performance? Why do company staff not know how and in what way they can change their actions to influence the company's performance? I have written the solutions to these problems in four books in my book series, entitled: “KOKO YRITYKSEN KAPASITEETTI TEHOKÄYTTÖÖN” (= MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR COMPANY'S CAPACITY), “YRITYKSEN VOIMAVARAT HYÖTYKÄYTTÖÖN - YHTEISVOIMIN” (= MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR COMPANY'S RESOURCES - WORKING TOGETHER), “RESURSSIEN TULOKSILLA YRITYKSEN TAVOITETULOKSEEN” (= USING RESOURCES TO ACHIEVE THE COMPANY'S TARGET RESULTS) and “FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPANY WITH CHANGE DRIVERS”. These books provide the solutions to what entrepreneurs need to do to help their businesses achieve their goals on a consistent basis.


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