Georgiou, Manny Feels Mad - A story about hitting the pause button on anger
16,30 €
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This story is about a gorgeous little meatball named Manny who learns how to skillfully work through his big feelings of anger. He learns to take notice of his big feelings and try to catch them before they catch him. At the back of the book are parent notes, so that you can read together with your child and open up discussion about the themes and emotional states. This book is perfect for you if: You sometimes wonder how to manage your child's anger (or your own) during the tough times. You need a quick 'how to' guide about emotion coaching. (Each book comes with some handy science-based notes for adults related to the topic at hand.) You would like to create more connection with your child. This book is a must for children, parents and teachers alike!
- Tuotekoodi
- 9789526872803
- Paino (kg)
- 0.176
- Pakkauskoko
- 1 kpl
- Valmistusmaa
- Suomi
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