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Revised to align with EFQM 2010. A self assessment workbook that uses the EFQM framework to provide guidance on how a company's operations influence its corporate social responsibility. CSR in this context is good corporate citizenship in compliance with sustainable development and encompasses economic, environmental and social components. This book presents pairs of examples that highlight different issues of social responsibility. It does not talk about right or wrong practices, simply different ones, so as to make the matter easier to understand and implement. "The book was a pleasure to read because it is written with care and thought. It will meet a need in many companies seeking to find their own approach to handle matters relating to corporate social responsibility. The examples are easy to use and thought-provoking." Jorma Hanski, Rautaruukki Plc. Related books: e-book: 9789522289520, printed: 9789525672978, Yhteiskuntavastuu yrityksen arjessa - EFQM 2010: 952-5583-66-X , e-book: 978-952-228-964-3, Yrityksen yhteiskuntavastuu pähkinässä: e-book: 978-952-228-237-8 This book presents pairs of examples that highlight different issues of social responsibility. It does not talk about right or wrong practices, simply different ones, so as to make the matter easier to understand and implement. The book, questions and self evaluation process can be adapted as a development tool and training material for the organisation even if the organisation does not adopt the Corporate Social Responsibility approach presented in the book. "The book was a pleasure to read because it is written with care and thought. It will meet a need in many companies seeking to find their own approach to handle matters relating to corporate social responsibility. The examples are easy to use and thought - provoking." The organisation can work in groups to evaluate their own principles of social responsibility and compare them with the examples in the book as well as identifying their own development needs and objectives."

Corporate social responsibility - Excellence Criteria

41,40 €
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