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    1. Nevalainen, Marriage with god - shamanistic rite of the Unification Church

    Nevalainen, Marriage with god - shamanistic rite of the Unification Church

    20,75 €



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    Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church, has declared himself as the Messiah, Lord of the Second Advent and the True Parents of humankind. He claims he has come as the Messiah at the end of the world as the Bible prophesied. He established the substantial Kingdom of God on Earth, called Cheon Il Guk, on June 13, 2006. The headquarters of this new Kingdom is his luxurious royal palace in Chung Pyung near Seoul, South Korea. This palace is the center of the new world and from there Sun Myung Moon and his wife and children are governing the Kingdom. Sun Myung Moon established also the Peace Kingdom Police Force and the Peace Kingdom Corps to safeguard law and order in Heaven on Earth. The Kingdom of God has a heavenly constitution which all citizens of the Kingdom are obliged to follow. The Unification Church has issued yellow-gold Cheon Il Guk membership cards which all registered citizens of the Kingdom of God on Earth keep in their wallets. These citizenship cards have Sun Myung Moon's and his wife's photo on them. Only Blessed Couples and their descendants are qualified to be citizens of the Kingdom of God on Earth because they have participated in the Blessing of Marriage ceremony which removes the original sin from them. According to Sun Myung Moon all other people are fallen and coming from the satanic blood lineage. Fallen people are destined to live in Hell on Earth and spirit world because Satan is their real father. Only people who have participated in the Blessing of Marriage ceremony can cut off their satanic blood lineage and become engrafted into God's blood lineage and become God's and True Parents' children without original sin. This change of blood lineage takes place through ritual sex.


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