Pere, Compagnons de voyage
18,60 €
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After devastation caused by a landslide, the people of a small mountain village are forced to leave their ruined homes and embark on a difficult journey towards the valley. However, an unlikely trio has to stay behind and wait for help. The rope-maker's son, Tony, has injured his leg; the oldest of the village is weakened by his age; and the blind blacksmith is not likely to make the difficult trek down. They are anxiously waiting to be rescued, but they are running out of options. Even though the odds are against them, the three companions gather their courage and set out. On this dangerous journey, they rely on each other and share the little they have left. --- Lorsqu'un petit village est ravage par un glissement de terrain, ses habitants se voient obliges de quitter leurs maisons en ruine pour descendre se refugier dans la vallee. Mais le chemin est rude, et ils doivent laisser derriere eux un trio improbable : Toni, le fils du cordier, qui s'est casse la jambe, le doyen du village qui est trop vieux pour faire le voyage, et le forgeron aveugle incapable d'avancer sur un sentier aussi escarpe. Les trois compagnons restent donc seuls au milieu des ruines, a attendre une aide qui pourrait bien tarder a arriver. Malgre les difficultes qui les attendent, ils decident alors d'unir leurs forces et de partager leurs vivres pour rejoindre la vallee.
- Tuotekoodi
- 9789523570511
- Paino (kg)
- 0
- Pakkauskoko
- 1 kpl
- Valmistusmaa
- Suomi
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