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    1. Soft Nordic

      Soft Nordic

      32,15 €


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      Happiness is a beautiful home. The unique homes in this book encapsulate Nordic style to a tee – gentle, contemporary abodes with personal touches and a myriad of visual stories to tell. Assembled during an exceptional period in history, the book serves as a reminder that the home and living are always a reflection of our times. During uncertainty, the warmth of our homes, cosy moods and little things in life become particularly meaningful. Suddenly renovating, decorating and getting creative at home became something of a phenomenon. Our homes became our havens. The stunning layout of the book is by Päivi Häikiö. There's more to the lovely coffee table book than its covers, offering a visually stimulating read on living, interiors and aesthetics for anyone who appreciates contemporary styles. ”We've always loved creating home features. We are honoured each time homeowners open their doors to their private spaces. Shoot days continue to be inspiring even for a seasoned duo like us,” Kalliomäki and Salonen sum up. Best-selling Nordic Interior Book published in autumn 2019 was the second joint book of interior journalist Piia Kalliomäki and photographer Pauliina Salonen. SOFT NORDIC is its much-awaited sequel and third joint book.


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      1 kpl

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