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Prisman Asiakasomistajapäivät ke-su 29.5.-2.6. verkkokaupassa ja myymälöissä!

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I Made This for You is collection of charming seasonal ideas and instructions for crafting bespoke gifts and decorations. Author Katrianna Raunio grew up on a horse farm, the self-sufficient lifestyle of farming, crafting, sewing and knitting forming an ethos of handcrafting that is woven into the pages of her book. Embrace an unhurried holiday season, trading the rush for the pleasure of making things together. A homemade Christmas may take time and effort but adds a special layer of meaning and counters prevailing consumerism. The book guides you to creating your own seasonal magic without extravagant costs or lavish supplies. Katrianna Raunio is a Helsinki-based Doctor of Environmental Sciences, teacher and craftivist.

Katrianna Raunio, I Made This For You - Christmas Gift and Decorations Crafted with Love

25,67 €

Normaalihinta 30,20 €



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